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Religious Beliefs in Schizophrenia: Their Relevance for Adherence to Treatment




The study examined how religious beliefs and practices impact upon medication and illness representations in chronic schizophrenia. One hundred three stabilized patients were included in Geneva's outpatient public psychiatric facility in Switzerland. Interviews were conducted to investigate spiritual and religious beliefs and religious practices and religious coping. Medication adherence was assessed through questions to patients and to their psychiatrists and by a systematic blood drug monitoring. Thirty-two percent of patients were partially or totally nonadherent to oral medication. Fifty-eight percent of patients were Christians, 2% Jewish, 3% Muslim, 4% Buddhist, 14% belonged to various minority or syncretic religious movements, and 19% had no religious affiliation. Two thirds of the total sample considered spirituality as very important or even essential in everyday life. Fifty-seven percent of patients had a representation of their illness directly influenced by their spiritual beliefs (positively in 31% and negatively in 26%). Religious representations of illness were prominent in nonadherent patients. Thirty-one percent of nonadherent patients and 27% of partially adherent patients underlined an incompatibility or contradiction between their religion and taking medication, versus 8% of adherent patients. Religion and spirituality contribute to shaping representations of disease and attitudes toward medical treatment in patients with schizophrenia. This dimension should be on the agenda of psychiatrists working with patients with schizophrenia.
机译:该研究调查了宗教信仰和习俗如何影响慢性精神分裂症的用药和疾病表现。日内瓦的瑞士门诊公共精神病院共收治了一百零三名稳定下来的患者。进行了访谈,以调查精神和宗教信仰,宗教习俗和宗教对策。通过对患者及其精神科医生的问题以及系统的血液药物监测来评估药物依从性。 32%的患者部分或完全不服口服药物。 58%的患者是基督徒,2%的犹太人,3%的穆斯林,4%的佛教徒,14%属于各种少数民族或合一的宗教运动,而19%的人没有宗教信仰。总样本中的三分之二认为灵性在日常生活中非常重要,甚至至关重要。 57%的患者表示自己的疾病直接受到其精神信仰的影响(正向为31%,负向为26%)。在非依从性患者中,疾病的宗教表现最为突出。 31%的非依从性患者和27%的部分依从性患者强调其宗教信仰与服药之间不相容或矛盾,而8%的依从性患者。宗教和灵性有助于塑造精神分裂症患者的疾病表征和医疗态度。与精神分裂症患者一起工作的精神科医生应将这一方面列入议程。



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